Rural Broadband Advantages


Rural broadband refers to the unique characteristics of broadband Internet service available in rural areas, which are usually settled rural areas away from large cities and towns. Usually, residents live in small settlements, hilly areas, on farms, mountain ranges and other rural terrain. Rural broadband service can be a source of great controversy, however. For example, some rural residents have been complaining about high telephone and Internet costs, which they feel are meant to be provided by larger companies such as AT&T or Verizon. Further, rural broadband can affect Internet access for lower-income families who cannot afford cable or DSL connections. There is also concern that DSL may not be available where there are power outages, especially for people who rely on cell phones to conduct business.

Why need to you Rural Broadband Advantages

In order to promote rural broadband adoption, rural digital divide policy should be examined by both federal and state policymakers. Policy makers should consider creating incentive programs for rural residents to adopt broadband services. There should also be support for existing DSL or cable connections and steps taken to ensure that rural residents who have been previously unable to get Internet service can continue to do so. To address issues like these, policymakers may need to consult with groups representing rural citizens and business owners in the area to develop rural broadband policy that addresses the unique characteristics of rural digital divides.

The lack of available high-speed broadband internet in rural areas makes it necessary for individuals and families to rely on other forms of digital communication. Rural residents often have limited access to mobile communications technology, such as cell phones. Mobile services are often unreliable and expensive for rural areas. However, high-speed broadband Internet can provide effective means for rural residents to access the internet and take advantage of modern telecommunications systems. By making high-speed broadband available at affordable prices, rural residents can improve their standard of living and increase their knowledge of computer technology.

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